Hello Readers!
Pamela Leavey here…
Welcome to my Substack, Words and Pictures by Pamela Leavey.
I’m a writer, photographer, naturalist, art, music and history lover, who loves to travel. I am here on Substack to Inspire and Enlighten. Enjoy!
About Me…
I’m a former two-time entrepreneur, and political blogger. I have a B.A. in Creative Writing & Digital Communications, undergrad certificates in Journalism and Digital Communications, and I have an M.A. in English - Creative Writing and a grad certificate in Digital Studies.
I didn’t take the traditional route to college, I waited a bit… In fact a few decades. A life long learner I started my academic quest in 2013, from scratch, when I was 56. I finished my B.A in December 2016 and jumped right into my M.A. in January 2017. It was quite a journey. In 2019 I completed my M.A. at 62 years old and took a well deserved rest.
I’m working on a memoir on my life’s journey as a single mother/only parent and entrepreneur and political blogger for John Kerry’s campaign in 2003 - 2004. After the Kerry campaign I had a political blog, The Democratic Daily, from 2005 - 2016. My blog was widely read and quoted. During my academic career, I gave up both my political blog and my struggling business to follow my creative writing and photography pursuits.
I’m here on Substack sharing my writing, which includes nature and memoir essays, poetry, and a little fiction, daily affirmations, reflections, musings, and my photography - landscape, floral, bird and wildlife, and a little street.
On the creative writing spectrum beyond my memoir noted above, I have a finished essay and poetry manuscript and few other works in progress including a historical novel based on the ship building trade in Massachusetts in the early 1800’s, with a female protagonist. I’ll be sharing bits and pieces from my manuscript and my WIP’s as well as new work here.
On the photography spectrum, I’ve done some group shows, had my work displayed in a local gallery and did a 32 piece, 6 month solo show in 2019. I sell my work on Facebook and on my website - PamelaLeavey.com. I rarely ever post anything that doesn’t include both written word and photography here or anywhere online.
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As of now, all new posts are free on my Substack. Posts are Archived after three weeks. If you Subscribe you will be helping to support my writing and photography and letting me know that you believe in my work, it’s that basic. If you Pledge you give me an extra boost… Those extra boosts add up in so many ways beyond the monetary. They tell me you care about my work. Please check out the other Paid Subscriber Benefits on the Subscribe page.
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Words and Pictures by Pamela Leavey is read across 50 US states and 122 countries.