Lovely photos! The hawks love fence posts. Beautiful!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Thank you Diane! They also love light poles!

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A beautiful bird! Nice photos!

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Agree, Pamela has an eye for great photos.

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Thanks so much sol!

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Thank you Joseph!

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It may have been an immature Red Tail.. we have one in the neighbourhood arrived a month ago & announced itself every 30 secs so Mom or Dad would know it was ‘starving. Not the largest we’ve seen but the Loudest. Crash landed in the peak of our pine & all a kerfuffle with one wing draped open & other tucked righteously - could hear it blocks away.. & still do - but not as often - huge bird & only the great owls, eagle & osprey are larger ‘raptors on north side of Lake Ontario. Smaller birds harass them.. & Red Wing Blackbird will ride them - showboating - plus Blue Jays & Crows will gang up - spoofing & gooning them. We’ve seen them ‘dining el fresco - in backyards or atop garages & fences - always facing upwind & tales of them coming from ‘nowhere to hit squirrels begging on picnic tables are common - quite the ‘wake up’ for people having lunch downtown !

When there’s ’sudden total silence’ in ‘well treed urban Toronto it’s not the Red Tail or Red Shoulder .. it’s a Peregrine or Harrier blasting at treetop level among 100 year + Oak, Maple, Black Walnut & surprise Elm which survived the great Dutch Elm collapse of the ‘70s. I follow several shooters via Twitter & Harry Foster is a total gem.. based on the Quebec side & overlooking the Ottawa River. I’ve posted one of his shots here - His son & dog Sophie canoeing up river - mid winter haha.. which baffled ‘substack - but shots at his bird feeder are ‘Audubon Level marvels

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Sep 9Liked by Pamela Leavey

what an amazing encounter and some beautiful pics to remember it by!

we get some nice hawk fly byes around here (or technically they are "European Buzzards" but are in the same family as this handsome bird) a powerful totem to be sure

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Sep 9Liked by Pamela Leavey

Fantastic pictures! It seems like this bird was posing just for you

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Sep 9Liked by Pamela Leavey

Beautiful and amazing 🤩

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Thank you DeeDee! I am glad you enjoyed!

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Wow! I love hawks, and this one's a beauty. Love the photos, too. What a wonderful way to commune with nature.

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Thank you Beth. He is a beauty. I’ve lived here for 6 years and see him around the neighborhood often. I was so happy he stuck around in the yard for a while those two days. He’s out there more often, I just don’t always catch up with him.

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Yes. Thanks for the photos.

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This is a stunning looking red-tailed hawk.That he stayed so long is telling. I have not yet had any encounters with any hawk. One day, I hope.

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Sep 9Liked by Pamela Leavey

Just looking for snacks…

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Such an awesome encounter. Pamela. That video is amazing in that the hawk was not startled and had actually returned from the previous day. Thanks for sharing.

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That’s amazing, Pamela!

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Sep 10Liked by Pamela Leavey

What a totally magnificent creature. Awesome photos too. Be careful of this big bird. It may decide to adopt you as its human. Then what will you do? 😂 Thank you for all the pictures. ♥️

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How absolutely gorgeous !!

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Thank you for sharing this amazing encounter with us, Pamela. The hawk’s curiosity and time spent in your yard, all of the neighborly visits, speak well to your animal magnetism. I look forward to hearing more about your hawk observations.

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Sep 10Liked by Pamela Leavey

Great pics! Cooper’s Hawks visit our backyard.

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Thank you Mike M!

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