Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

I am so sorry to hear that you need surgery again, Pamela. Luckily you already write these affirmations which can help you push through. Be well, I hope the birds have been a reminder of joy and positivity.

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Thanks James. I was sort of expecting the Dr to say surgery but hoping he wouldn't. Looking at sometime in August, so I will be able to get out and walk, which will be helpful. A sling and no driving for 6 weeks...

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Jun 19Liked by Pamela Leavey

The no driving and sling are hugely not fun. Will you still be able to use your camera? Goodness, I hope so. That’s a positive that you will be able to get out for walks. As you know, walking can be the best medicine for everything.

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The no driving is the worst. I spent 11 weeks not driving in 2012, with a cast on my right foot. Thankfully my neighborhood is a pretty good place to walk and some rail trail paths are pretty close. I doubt I will be able to manage the camera, but no doubt I will try at some point. And of course there is also typing... There's this, my Stack and I have a pretty heavy internet addiction!

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Jun 19Liked by Pamela Leavey

I didn’t even think about the typing! Will you schedule posts to go out when you are unable to type? Or will you just take it all as it comes?

That’s terrible you won’t be able to get out and take photos! We will all miss your beautiful work.

No driving is a hard loss of autonomy. But being where it is walkable will keep you sane. Plus, more time for observing your garden and its visitors!

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James, I will pre-schedule some posts before the surgery and go from there. I should be able to type some, I've been told, but no doubt at a much slower pace. Who knows, perhaps I will finally doing some audio posts!

I have already been on a photography diet for the past couple of years since I hurt my left shoulder planting tulips! It finally healed and I had my December surgery, and then in healing from that I was pushing my way to big cat, King Rory, away from my belly and the repetitive strain did in the right shoulder. 😳

All of this will pass! Thanks for your concern and friendship here James!

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Jun 23Liked by Pamela Leavey

Audio sounds like a wonderful idea! As long as you are able to create and express, then it will all feel surmountable. Best of luck and I wish you well.

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What an inspiration with the ways you keep pushing yourself and STILL inspire us as well!!

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Thank you Connie. The alternative to not pushing myself is not a good one. I do have my moments of wallowing in frustration but the pass and press on.

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

I am sorry to hear you need surgery on your shoulder. I can empathize. I have had surgery on both shoulders. It is no fun, but lots of deep breaths, meds, and prayers helped get me through them. I will keep you in my prayers for a successful, uncomplicated surgery and recovery.

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Thanks so much Lisa. Both of my shoulders could use surgery actually, the right is the latest injury and it is worse than the left. I am a lefty, so that will make it easier I guess.

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Jun 19Liked by Pamela Leavey

I am a righty and it was tough. Definitely need someone to help you dress and wash up. It is very important to follow the surgeons instructions to a T about no activity then so important to do your physical therapy everyday. I have almost 100% range of motion in both shoulders. Unfortunately, the surgeon said I would need a full replacement on the right. I "only" had my labrum repaired and microfracture surgery done on the right. He said the arthritis was terrible in that shoulder. And would likely return. It has but I can still work with it.

The left, FDA trial partial shoulder replacement. Lucky enough they chose my surgeon , 1 of 10 in the country (US) to do the trial surgeries. It has been 8 years and still going strong.

Again, I am sorry you are having to have both shoulders done. Or any shoulder worked on. Breathe, keep infront of the pain with medication, be patient, you will get through it. If you ever need to whine , I am here. I get it.

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Lisa, Thanks so much for filling me in. My orthopedic surgeon didn't give me a lot of info and what I have learned in the past 2 days is overwhelming. I live alone and I just had major GYN surgery a little over 6 months ago and I am still healing from that. The ortho said I should have it done by late August.

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Jun 19Liked by Pamela Leavey

Wow, YOU may not be ready to take on another surgery so soon. There are logistics for you to think about since you live alone. If I had to have my shoulder surgery now, since my husband passed away, I would likely stay with my best friend for 6 weeks...ugh. I hate to say that outloud.. another option would be a rehabilitation facility right after surgery. If you had some one who could stay with you for a little while and then come by to help you out. Like I said logistics. Keep breathing. It can be accomplished.

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Thanks for that info Lisa. I have to say I'm not quite sure what they heck I am going to do. I need to talk with my surgeon and my PCP about setting me up with home help. I'm not having rotator cuff or full shoulder replacement, I have a dislocated bicep and a full subscapular tear.

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Jun 19Liked by Pamela Leavey

I pray it is an easier surgery. Drs always assume things. Definitely have the surgeon explain in depth. I told my surgeon to explain it to me as if I was a five year old but also don’t sugarcoat anything or skip steps because I am an annoying five year old and then I grinned at him. So he did and drew pictures to help explain it too. ( that is actually how all surgeons should explain surgeries in my opinion unless requested otherwise. ) I had my knee surgeon do it to. Otherwise how do you really know what is being fixed. Good luck and let me know how you are doing.

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Thanks so much Lisa. It's going to be a few weeks out, so I will get all the answers I need.

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Take care of yourself first and know thoughts are coming your way, Pamela💕

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Thanks so much Diane! Surgery is a few weeks out. Maybe sooner. Not sure yet.

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Just rest and enjoy until then💕

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That is the plan. I still have some PT to get through. I am just finally starting my my post GYN surgery pelvic floor pt and then I can have the new surgery. I need some frequent flyer miles!

Anyway… beach, as much as possible for the next few weeks!

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Sorry to hear the news, I wish you the best. I was lucky to be on the water the last 2 weeks, soaking in the in and out breath of the waves. May you be constantly reminded to breathe deep.

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Brian, thanks so much. I'm going to get as much beach in as I can over the next few weeks before the surgery. Lets of deep breathing...

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

Beautiful words and photos. Your strength and resilience shine through in every word. Sending you virtual hugs, Pamela. 💚🙏🏼

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Thank you so much Ella! I appreciate all the virtual hugs I can get right now!

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Take care and stay strong.

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Thanks so much Stan! Absolutely staying strong... Until I hide under a blanket and hug my cat!

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

Sorry to hear the news. Frustrating must be a mild term for the impending effect on your mobility. Take care and you are in our thoughts.

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Thanks so much Steve. It's a bit of a set back, or another set back, as I keep trying to move forward. I greatly appreciate all the good thoughts!

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

Hey Pam,

Nine years ago, I had a tumor removed from my C7 vertebrae, which left me with all my muscles completely lost to strength. I am still recovering from that surgery but am still glad to awaken to a new day...... every day....


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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

My prayers are with you and gentle hugs sent your way. Positive thoughts and attitude go a long way. I was the primary care giver to my husband who had a degenerative neuromuscular disease from Agent Orange which ended with him becoming a "functioning " quadriplegic. Then he received the news he had developed bone cancer ( multiple myeloma) also from Agent Orange he was exposed to during Vietnam. He had the most positive attitude I have ever been around in spite of everything. He always said " it's just a small mountain for a mountain climber." It was his approach to the things we learned to adapt to along the 24.5 years we were together. Tim, I believe you have it in you to adapt and heal. You too are not alone and unseen.

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Lisa, Thank you for sharing this story of your husband's struggles. I have friend who suffers from degenerative neuromuscular disease from Agent Orange. We climb many mountains in our lives. Some of us more than others. You are also seen here. Blessings to you.

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Tim, You inspire me. Thank you.

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

I am sending you love and healing vibrations Pamela. My heart is with you. I may not know about many things, but I do know the mental spaces physical discomfort can take you to. I enjoy your beautiful words. Thank you for sharing. Sharing your vulnerabilities and experiences helps others. May you feel relief and comfort in your day taking it one day at a time.

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Raquel, Thank you so much. Physical discomfort can take us to very unpleasant mental spaces. It's important to try to stay strong and find beautiful things to distract us. I appreciate the love and healing vibrations sent my way.

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To send photos of tides, waves, even a tiny crab from points far away from my eyes brings us closer to see we are not that far apart from the aches and pains universally felt with every breath taken to take the next step in recovery.

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Richard, thank you for the blessing of your lovely words.

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

Sending you lots of love, Pamela x

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Thank you Maureen! You are so appreciated! xoxo

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I love Plum Island, such a beautiful place. I'm sorry you need shoulder surgery, that's never fun. Can you put it off for the fall so you can at least enjoy the Summer, such as we have here in MA? The ocean is so healing. I haven't been in awhile and definitely need to get back, for body and soul.

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Hi Janine, Nice to meet another Plum Island lover here on Substack. It looks right now like the surgery will be sometime in August which is good because I will be able to get out and walk with out hassling with a bunch of warm layers over a sling that I will need to use for 6 weeks.

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

Oh, Pamela! This is so beautiful and affirming. I hope you can listen to your own words and take a deep breath. Such hard news, but I know you have the strength to get through it even though it won't be fun. Hugs, hugs, hugs!

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Thanks so much Cherie! I think the surprise has worn off now and I have processed that this needs to get done. I have a few weeks to get ready. Sometime in August is the goal.

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Jun 18Liked by Pamela Leavey

I am so sorry to hear that you will be needing surgery on your shoulder. Your suggestions about using deep breathing to calm ourselves is something that I discovered some time ago, and rely on it on regular basis. I fell last week landing hard on my back. I'm ok, but very sore with spasms when I lay down. The only way to sleeping is by breathing as mentioned in the poem. My best wishes in dealing with all of your challenges! Thanks for all of your fine pictures and inspiring writing.

Jim Knutson, Retried Home Inspector

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Hi Jim, Thanks so much for your good wishes. I hope your back is doing better. Deep breathing really helps a lot, including with pain. Glad you are here on my page and enjoying!

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I like this affirmation about the focus of now, Pamela. It really all there is. A good reminder to focus attention & intention on the present moment.

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Neil, Thank you so much! Now is always all there is. Absolutely.

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Thank you for sharing. Love your photos too. To be honest, I much rather read your posts (and other posts on Substack) than read the news these days.

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Thanks Jenn! The news sucks! I gave it up myself.

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