Hi Pamela, this is a good reminder to feel less overwhelmed by all we have to do. Your post resonated with me. And the pictures, as always, are fabulous.

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We always need a good reminder from time to time.

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I needed this one today! Thank you Pamela 🙏🏼

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Rasha, I am so glad this resonated with you.

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Thank you Pamela. Lots of love

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Thank you Minaz! Love to you ❤️

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Thank you Janine!

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Taking a deep breath and making a list helps me. It doesn't always work but I try.

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Lots of deep breaths and lists Paul. I make lists and then pile things that need to be done on top of them. 😀

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The center image with a thousand black dots of birds nudged a fond memory. Rather than shore birds, my black birds were Redwings that amass starting late July. I called it "pepper birds." They'd flock to the trees, then circle the north end of the lake, swoop down to the road, then up to rest on the telephone wire - up and down like a giant cloud of cracked pepper.

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That sounds so amazing Cindy! We get the Redwing blackbirds here in the Spring. They are awesome to watch.

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One day at a time Pamela. Do take care💛

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Thank you Shital!

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Love all the birds in your photos. Sometimes you just have to fly away for a while. Eventually, you’ll come flying back.

When I feel overwhelmed, I focus first the easy things that I can get done. Even if I only get one little thing done, I feel a sense of relief.

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Jenn, I have been picking away, one thing at a time all this week. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos! Thank you!

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Thank you Emilio!

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You're welcome always God bless you and your family

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Good morning, Pamela. Thanks for this. I hope you get the rest you need and are able to slowly catch up on your list of tasks.

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Your analogy of a flock of birds is perfect. Pictures are outstanding! I’ve been in the weeds since I started volunteering two days a week. I love doing it, so I’m just going to manage my time at home better.

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Sep 12Liked by Pamela Leavey

Hope you begin to feel more energy soon, Pamela. Probably best to take on the tasks gradually, as I believe you felt unwell earlier in the week. ❤️

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Hi Pamela,

Good one for me to read today as I am getting ready to head out tomorrow on a road trip. Just this morning, I was saying to Husband, "I really need just one more day." We both fully well know that even if I had one more day to get ready, I'd be saying the same thing tomorrow.

Great reminder Great photos! Thank you.

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I think it's good to periodically "prune" our To-Do lists by asking "Is this item really IMPORTANT enough to invest time/energy in?" Sometimes the answer is NO and the item can be removed. BOOM! You just made more time for the things that really matter.

Always enjoy your photos as a transplanted Bostonian living in southern CA!

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Just know there is someone worse off in this life than you. Give what you can to those in need.

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Absolutely Richard. All the best to you. 😀

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I think we've all been in that place stuck with a pile or two ... or three. Hang in there.

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