Beautifully put, Pamela: "In a moment, when we least expect it, we sometimes find that the river leads that which is precious back to us, as in the course of human foibles life continues to flow as does the river."
On my hikes, I find myself stopping longer and simply appreciating the sight and sound of the Ottawa River. For much of my hike, I can hear the murmur of Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River. It is somehow comforting to hear that sound before and after I see the river. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Neil. When I walk at the Refuge I can hear the ocean past the dunes and through the maritime trees and brush. It is comforting to hear it and know it is close by. The march and swamp lands of the Refuge are also ever present and so appreciated for all the life they hold.
Nature , especially water seems very calming to me. I am intentionally trying to be kinder to others and giving up the premise that I am always right. Sometimes I feel like I am going against the tide. Your words and photographs are both filled with meaning.
Monica, Water is always calming for me. I am a "water" sign, Scorpio so water is in my stars. :)
I also feel that the river I live so close to is in my blood. 2 or 3 generations of my family have lived here along this river.
I feel sometimes as though I too am going against the tide. Lately, I have felt as though the tide has been going against me. I am so glad this post resonated with you.
Perfect for what I needed today Pamela. Thank you. 🙏
Your photos are stunning also - I particularly like the second one. Massachusetts looks beautiful. Massachusetts is a tricky word to spell and say for a Kiwi who has never been there. 😊xx. Have a great day Pamela.
Hi Jo, I am so happy this post resonated with you. Massachusetts is beautiful and hard to spell even for folks like me who have been spelling it their whole lives! Wishing you a great day too! 😊
Gorgeous work Pamela, and wonderful words. Rivers or sea, hills, trees, plains or mountains.......the world is a beautiful place. Such symbolism in all. It's hard to have a fav. Namaste.
Hi Pamela, I love Julia Cameron's affirmation! Rivers are a beautiful metaphor for life, washing away the dust of life and also offering a sense of renewal. Water is cleansing. And I love the sound of water, too, so wonderful. When I was hiking in the Smoky Mountains, I loved hearing the sound of a distant waterfall and ultimately seeing the magnificent waters, too. Thank you for this post.
Thank you Beth! Water is amazing. It's our life force. It's been quite a while since i have seen a waterfall, but I can relate to hearing the sound of water in the distance and then seeing it. That never ceases to move me. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Julia Cameron affirmation.
Beautiful meditation on the river and tides, Pamela. I also love the flow of open waterways, the creeks that I live by and the great Willamette River nearby. The currents are enlivening and cleansing. You've expressed this so well here and the photography is outstanding.
Thank you Heidi. I always enjoy finding and following the streams and creeks and seeing them spring to life when it's a particularly snowy winter as we have had this year. I'm so happy you enjoyed!
"I forgive shortcomings and failures, arrogance and shortsightedness. I allow such human foibles to be dissolved in the graceful flow of life ongoing."
This reminds me of the Desiderata, especially where it says; "As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story."
I have lived by the sea, once and only for a short period, for the entire rest of life I have lived on a hill and whilst the flow of the seasons is different to that which you know, the grace and the renewal is evident, my guide in life.
Beautiful as always dear Pamela, I hope the week has been kind to you.. 💛
Thank you Susie! That Julia Cameron passage is quite like the passage from Desiderata. There is renewal in all forms of nature. I have no doubt I would find it on your hill as well. I see renewal in the birds that recently arrived at my bird feeder and the change of light in recent days. The week as been kinder than others of late. I hope this trend continues and I hope it has also been kind to you. 💛
I used to walk or run along the LA river every day, and meditate next to it as well. I loved watching the birds and the turtles.
The L.A. River is wonderful. I also enjoyed going to Lake Hollywood to walk. So much beauty in SoCal.
Beautifully put, Pamela: "In a moment, when we least expect it, we sometimes find that the river leads that which is precious back to us, as in the course of human foibles life continues to flow as does the river."
On my hikes, I find myself stopping longer and simply appreciating the sight and sound of the Ottawa River. For much of my hike, I can hear the murmur of Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River. It is somehow comforting to hear that sound before and after I see the river. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Neil. When I walk at the Refuge I can hear the ocean past the dunes and through the maritime trees and brush. It is comforting to hear it and know it is close by. The march and swamp lands of the Refuge are also ever present and so appreciated for all the life they hold.
Nature , especially water seems very calming to me. I am intentionally trying to be kinder to others and giving up the premise that I am always right. Sometimes I feel like I am going against the tide. Your words and photographs are both filled with meaning.
Monica, Water is always calming for me. I am a "water" sign, Scorpio so water is in my stars. :)
I also feel that the river I live so close to is in my blood. 2 or 3 generations of my family have lived here along this river.
I feel sometimes as though I too am going against the tide. Lately, I have felt as though the tide has been going against me. I am so glad this post resonated with you.
Love learning that's where the inspiration for your Daily Affirmations comes from!
Thank you Kathyrn. Between those books and some other books I was reading at the time, I found my own affirmation voice.
Perfect for what I needed today Pamela. Thank you. 🙏
Your photos are stunning also - I particularly like the second one. Massachusetts looks beautiful. Massachusetts is a tricky word to spell and say for a Kiwi who has never been there. 😊xx. Have a great day Pamela.
agreed, by another Kiwi.
It definitely is a tricky one!
Hi Jo, I am so happy this post resonated with you. Massachusetts is beautiful and hard to spell even for folks like me who have been spelling it their whole lives! Wishing you a great day too! 😊
Gorgeous work Pamela, and wonderful words. Rivers or sea, hills, trees, plains or mountains.......the world is a beautiful place. Such symbolism in all. It's hard to have a fav. Namaste.
Thank you! The world is definitely a beautiful place. So much to see and so hard to get to it all. Namaste...
Hi Pamela, I love Julia Cameron's affirmation! Rivers are a beautiful metaphor for life, washing away the dust of life and also offering a sense of renewal. Water is cleansing. And I love the sound of water, too, so wonderful. When I was hiking in the Smoky Mountains, I loved hearing the sound of a distant waterfall and ultimately seeing the magnificent waters, too. Thank you for this post.
Thank you Beth! Water is amazing. It's our life force. It's been quite a while since i have seen a waterfall, but I can relate to hearing the sound of water in the distance and then seeing it. That never ceases to move me. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Julia Cameron affirmation.
Gorgeous photography. The river and body of water can have such healing powers and cleanse the soul. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Writer Pilgrim. Water is always healing. I will be finding my way to the river for a bit today. I need it...
Sounds like a plan. Water is amazing!
Water is amazing! It keeps us all alive.
Beautiful meditation on the river and tides, Pamela. I also love the flow of open waterways, the creeks that I live by and the great Willamette River nearby. The currents are enlivening and cleansing. You've expressed this so well here and the photography is outstanding.
Thank you Heidi. I always enjoy finding and following the streams and creeks and seeing them spring to life when it's a particularly snowy winter as we have had this year. I'm so happy you enjoyed!
"I forgive shortcomings and failures, arrogance and shortsightedness. I allow such human foibles to be dissolved in the graceful flow of life ongoing."
This reminds me of the Desiderata, especially where it says; "As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story."
I have lived by the sea, once and only for a short period, for the entire rest of life I have lived on a hill and whilst the flow of the seasons is different to that which you know, the grace and the renewal is evident, my guide in life.
Beautiful as always dear Pamela, I hope the week has been kind to you.. 💛
Thank you Susie! That Julia Cameron passage is quite like the passage from Desiderata. There is renewal in all forms of nature. I have no doubt I would find it on your hill as well. I see renewal in the birds that recently arrived at my bird feeder and the change of light in recent days. The week as been kinder than others of late. I hope this trend continues and I hope it has also been kind to you. 💛