We all need more love and happiness in our lives. Thanks for the inspiration!

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My pleasure Rod! I am so glad you enjoyed!

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Namaste dear Pamela

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Namaste Allan….

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Jun 27Liked by Pamela Leavey

I loved that one Pamela!!! It almost put me to sleep it was so relaxing. I've worked on the meditations of Kris Carr. They are also good...have you tried them? It's amazing what meditation can do!!! I started meditating years ago around 2015 and at that time, I seriously couldn't breath through my nose at all. After meditating almost every morning though, I suppose my body got used to it? It's still a mystery to me... it's rather amazing. Relaxing also helps with pain because I'll feel all my muscles loosen up during it. When I have a seizure or when I have a panic attack (rare today) all my muscles tighten. It's painful. If your toes have ever tightened up in pain, that is the feeling. OUCH! Meditation really helps though. It seriously does and it also helped me to breath through my nose. I NEVER thought that was possible. I think that they should teach meditation in schools to help with the health. Anyway, great post!!! Thanks for sharing with us! I hope that you have a wonderful week. :) Namaste

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Angela, thanks for the Kris Carr meditation tips. I need to do more guided meditations. I will look up Kris Carr. Sending you hugs. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. 💓😀

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Jun 30Liked by Pamela Leavey

I'm glad that I made a good suggestion!!! I know you'll love Kris! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend as well.

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I just found her now! Will listen this afternoon! Thanks again.

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Your photo of black locust white flowers brings back bee’s soaring drone capture of pollen grains to assure seeds to fall and sprouts to rise. A meditation of life so simple of love for one another and giving and taking to provide an earthly purpose to life in a solstice breeze. As you bring a photo and solace to others that lasso’s my cloudy mind but in a second I’m free and clear. Namaste.

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Pamela Leavey: "Ecstasy carries you completely outside your ego boundaries. In ecstasy you know yourself as cosmic ego, unbounded in time and space. The end of love's journey returns to the source of all awareness, power, and being. Moksha is not an ending but a beginning - we begin to live in fullness only after liberation. A liberated soul is a citizen of the universe." - Deepak Chopra: The Path To Love

Reminds me very much of Friedrich Hölderlin, in writing to his two college friends, Hegel and Schelling, used the expression, Ἓν καὶ Πᾶν -- hen kai pan -- "Alleinheit" -- a major theme of his Hyperion.

Thank you so much for sharing!

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Armand, I am not at all familiar with Holderlin, I will look him up. Thank you.

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“A liberated soul is a citizen of the world.” I love this too! This will stay with me. Thanks, Pamela.

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Holly, I'm so glad this resonated.

It's such a perfect line that makes so much sense and we should all aspire to this!

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Moksha. These words are reminders of what we truly are. Truly unbounded ❤️

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Freedom! 🙂

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Just Love & am energized by ALL you offer!!

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Thank you so.much Connie! That means so much to me!

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Beautiful messaging. The photography is stunning. Thank you so much, Pamela.

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Thank you Heidi! I am so glad you enjoyed!

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Lovely. Thank you.

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Deepak Chopra is amazing. I have huge respect for him. Good to see this Pamela

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I love Deepak! I have a wonderful collection of his books and I love listening to his mediation videos. His voice is so soothing. I am so glad you enjoyed! I promise more Deepak to come!

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