Love the second photograph!!

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Thank you Shital, in that photograph there is much going on beyond the blur of it all!

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I’m no always open minded about what could be wrong and what can be right. I offered himself the chance of success but here we are again. For reasons I don’t understand . Take it all leave it alone an honest he sits like nothing is there All the paperwork and everything else justifies him leaving Why would he want to destroy his own career. He said he had another God that he answered to? My father in heaven cal him brethren yesterday morning but he could have escaped and no idea why it continues to this morning . I got a little upset last night Asking him how many fingers has? He answered he didn’t know? What

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Thank you...

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I am trying to reside within the boundaries set by the seasons that Nature has set down for us. The birds migrate south now; some geese and blue jays remain, and I expect to see crows and ravens this winter; the squirrels are gathering and storing nuts and will slow down once winter is with us. Not hibernate but be less active.

Yes, less light means to me (now) more time to rest and heal. Be less active. Is it possible to do in our go-go society? I think so and am giving it a try, living in harmony with the seasons. It will be good for my body and my mind.

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Perry, have you read Katherine May's "Wintering"? I read it in late winter 2022 and found so much to relate to. My goal this winter is be more active if possible. Perhaps even join the gym again. I walked off and on last winter and it helped me a lot.

Beyond that I am far beyond the go-go society. I don't feel called to be on the go all the time.

Our warmer weather birds have all gone. The geese winter here. The winter raptors will soon join us. Perhaps a few snowy owls if we are lucky. We had none last winter. Stay well...

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Thanks for the book recommendation, Pamela I do enjoy winter walks.

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Perry, all of her books really spoke to me. I have a feeling you might also enjoy them all. A good winter walk is so refreshing. Now that i have built my walking habit back up I need to keep it going.

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Pondering on the food for thought... This post has given me new perspective to find my way. Stay blessed Pamela

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Minaz, I am so glad this spoke to you. Blessed be :)

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Life isn’t usually crystal clear. Thank you for the reminder of the importance of being mindful. I love the abstract photographs.

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Life is confusing on many occasions. I’m glad this post spoke to you and you enjoyed the photos!

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Oooh, I like that golden one - the colors are so perfect for a really surreal sense of the world passing by!💕

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Thank you Sydney! The colors in that golden one are rather surreal!

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An excellent message, Pamela: "Pay attention to the signs, and listen to the clues. You know the way is in your heart."

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Neil, I am glad this resonated with you! Thank you.

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Pamela, I love this post -- pictures and text. I really love your words, particularly "Maybe we need to look at thigs differently sometimes in order to see things more clearly." I think this is so true; sometimes I get stuck in a rut and keep thinking of things in the same way. But approaching a problem from a new perspective, for example, might just be the answer.

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Beth, I am so glad this resonated with you. I find, when in a rut, that looking at things from a different perspective always helps. I'm big on the fac that we and life are always changing!

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