I have fallen into a quiet space of late…
When I am subjected to too much noise and distraction, as I have in recent months at home, I sometimes find it hard to formulate my thoughts. This happens from time to time in every writer’s life. Quiet sets in.
The weather has been quite uncooperative this past month. It is either too cold and windy or too stormy, for me to get out and walk, which typically helps to free my mind and clear my head and get the inspiration flowing again when the quiet sets in.
Alas, life is such right now that quiet seems best.
However, the weather is starting to shift this week and warmer temperatures are in the forecast. Spring is on its way. I can feel it although the view outside is belies the dream of Spring.
I looked at the piles of snow out in my yard yesterday and thought, under all this frozen white there are daffodils and tulips that will soon be peeking out of the cold earth looking for the sun. I long to see the first blossoms of Spring.
Soon, I will be back out walking along my favorite paths and trails and finding delight in nature, from the narcissus blooming on the hill that leads up to the old gardens in Maudslay State Park, to the migrating birds stopping by with a flash of color, sing their sweet songs.
I remember when I took these photos of the Baltimore Oriole last Spring, I was grateful to have followed its song and find it in the still leafless tree it was perched in.
In my quiet time, I ponder a lot. I think about things, I worry too much.
I realize as I think about the state of my own life right how, with my housing situation precarious and unpleasant, that it’s not just at home that life is spinning out of control. We’re all watching this real-time take down of normality happening moment by moment in our country right now and it unnerving at the least. The truth is, now is a time of great unease for so many of us.
I ask myself at times, where is the strong wall upon which I can lean… Where is the strong wall that we all can lean on.
I pray that enough light might get in, that in the Spring we will all blossom despite the uncertainty around us.
Together we must do what we can to lift each other up.
Namaste… Pamela
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Remember to breathe when things get stressful and as always, be kind to one another. As I like to say, “Be in the moment and go with the flow.”
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I share your prayers. I love the imagery of the wall. That's what I'll pray for, and thanks for being a brick in that wall.
Thank you for sharing those images and the song of that Baltimore Oriole, Pamela. Knowing that the migrant birds and plantlife will be returning in the coming weeks and months is comforting. The sights, sounds, and scents of Spring are not too far off and approaching each day.