Thank you for sharing those images and the song of that Baltimore Oriole, Pamela. Knowing that the migrant birds and plantlife will be returning in the coming weeks and months is comforting. The sights, sounds, and scents of Spring are not too far off and approaching each day.
Hi Neil, I am so glad you enjoyed the Baltimore Oriole photos and clicked on the link to hear the song. It is comforting that migrating birds will start to appear as well as Spring plantlife. I always look for the Red-winged Blackbirds as one of the first signs of Spring. And Pussy Willow is another favorite.
Pamela, this is a beautiful testament to your resilience and faith in spring’s rebirth of beauty and energy. We’ve been under snow for weeks, and I’ve felt much like you. Images from previous springs bring joy. Thanks and know you have support💕🌸🌺
Diane, Thank you for seeing my resilience and faith here in this post. I ironically feel a lack of both at times of late. I am working on both however. Hoping for the right changes to happen for me to allow me to move beyond that which is holding me back. I appreciate your support. 💕
With you in spirit and faith that you’ll get through these doldrums. I’m working on it daily, but it’s not easy. My daffodils are trying to break through the snow cover. I always end up singing “Somewhere My Love” from Dr.Zhivago when I recall the lovely daffodil scene💕
I am exactly where you are… yes quiet…& no more unreal connections through images and news that leads only to despair. Thank you for your ongoing and uplifting reminders of natural beauty in an otherwise fake, digital world. 🙏
Hi Sara, The news is really hard to look at and I am only getting mine through the old standards, the NYT and the WaPo. I mostly glance through the headlines and move on. I am edgy enough on my own without this extraneously madness. I was glad to sit through and edit some photos last evening and find some words despite my need to for quiet. I am so glad you enjoyed and it brought respite. Thank you! 🙏
Elyse, Thank you. May the beauty remain free to absorb. I know this park when I took the photos will remain. I have had so many worries adding to the worries we are all feeling. It is too much some days. And I am glad for warmer weather on the horizon. It helps.
Thank you Jonathan. As I was stumbling about trying to find words to write the image of a wall came to mind, with the need to lean against it. Thank you for also being a brick in that wall.
"I looked at the piles of snow out in my yard yesterday and thought, under all this frozen white there are daffodils and tulips that will soon be peeking out of the cold earth looking for the sun. I long to see the first blossoms of Spring."
Corie, The blast of warmer weather here in the Northeast is so welcomed right now. I love hearing the sound of cars sloshing through roads with melted snow. I am grateful that Spring always comes. Now some other things need to come as well.
Today I went into my garden to remove sticks and crack open the black garbage bags full of shredded leaves to check if it composted into back soil.. not yet... not yet..
Hi Pam! Thanks for sharing your work. I have been in a similar space myself - both writing and photography. My job has been burning me out big time. The state of this country and world has only added to it. But I keep finding joy while being active and holding space.
Hi Alicia, I am sorry to hear you're struggling as well. I think there is so much to be concerned about right now, we're all on overload. My sleep has been disrupted. I hope tonight to find some better dreams. Thank you, I am so glad this resonated with you.
Thank you for this beautiful piece Pamela. Your ability to "formulate your thoughts" despite the noise and distraction always blows me away, even though you say you struggle to do this.
You always have a way to bringing it back to the Essence of Life with deftness and simplicity. Coming back always to Nature and the Soul. Where our true home always resides despite what presents itself in the outside world.
Many thoughts, well wishes and sturdy walls coming your way from New Zealand. ❤️
Thank you Jo. The sturdy walls are so needed. New sturdy walls in a quieter environ. Honestly, I surprised myself that I was able to pull the words in this post out of what felt like a fog. Sending love your way... ❤️
Nina, I am so glad this resonated with you. I am ready for a long drive myself and some good music. I love that sense of solitude that comes with going for a drive with the windows open and good tunes playing. Enjoy your movie day!
Lovely and inspiring, both the writing, and the photography. Thanks so much for sharing. 🌹
Hi Stacy, Thanks so much for chiming in and welcome to Words and Pictures! I am so glad that both resonated with you.
Thank you for sharing those images and the song of that Baltimore Oriole, Pamela. Knowing that the migrant birds and plantlife will be returning in the coming weeks and months is comforting. The sights, sounds, and scents of Spring are not too far off and approaching each day.
Hi Neil, I am so glad you enjoyed the Baltimore Oriole photos and clicked on the link to hear the song. It is comforting that migrating birds will start to appear as well as Spring plantlife. I always look for the Red-winged Blackbirds as one of the first signs of Spring. And Pussy Willow is another favorite.
Pamela, this is a beautiful testament to your resilience and faith in spring’s rebirth of beauty and energy. We’ve been under snow for weeks, and I’ve felt much like you. Images from previous springs bring joy. Thanks and know you have support💕🌸🌺
Diane, Thank you for seeing my resilience and faith here in this post. I ironically feel a lack of both at times of late. I am working on both however. Hoping for the right changes to happen for me to allow me to move beyond that which is holding me back. I appreciate your support. 💕
With you in spirit and faith that you’ll get through these doldrums. I’m working on it daily, but it’s not easy. My daffodils are trying to break through the snow cover. I always end up singing “Somewhere My Love” from Dr.Zhivago when I recall the lovely daffodil scene💕
Diane, You just made me laugh, the Dr. Zhivago song! I love it!
It was my mother’s ❤️
My mom loved that movie too. Who doesn't!
I am exactly where you are… yes quiet…& no more unreal connections through images and news that leads only to despair. Thank you for your ongoing and uplifting reminders of natural beauty in an otherwise fake, digital world. 🙏
Hi Sara, The news is really hard to look at and I am only getting mine through the old standards, the NYT and the WaPo. I mostly glance through the headlines and move on. I am edgy enough on my own without this extraneously madness. I was glad to sit through and edit some photos last evening and find some words despite my need to for quiet. I am so glad you enjoyed and it brought respite. Thank you! 🙏
Wonderful thoughts. I wish you, us all, peace and meaning in this time.
Thank you Marc... Every day is a mixed bag of crazy and relief it seems. We will prevail. Together. There are better angels among us.
better angels within us, as well.
Absolutely Marc. Although some seem to be missing theirs...
You bring these peaceful pictures to life with your words.Thank you.
Thank you so much Therese! I am so glad that both resonated with you.
You’re welcome.
My most favorite bird song is the Baltimore Oriole .
Lois, It is a treat to hear, I agree. I hope you found the snippet of Oriole song in the link.
Your photos reflect the beauty that is still free to absorb, your writing reflects my own thoughts
Elyse, Thank you. May the beauty remain free to absorb. I know this park when I took the photos will remain. I have had so many worries adding to the worries we are all feeling. It is too much some days. And I am glad for warmer weather on the horizon. It helps.
I share your prayers. I love the imagery of the wall. That's what I'll pray for, and thanks for being a brick in that wall.
Thank you Jonathan. As I was stumbling about trying to find words to write the image of a wall came to mind, with the need to lean against it. Thank you for also being a brick in that wall.
"I looked at the piles of snow out in my yard yesterday and thought, under all this frozen white there are daffodils and tulips that will soon be peeking out of the cold earth looking for the sun. I long to see the first blossoms of Spring."
Oh, me, too!
And remember, spring always comes...
Corie, The blast of warmer weather here in the Northeast is so welcomed right now. I love hearing the sound of cars sloshing through roads with melted snow. I am grateful that Spring always comes. Now some other things need to come as well.
Today I went into my garden to remove sticks and crack open the black garbage bags full of shredded leaves to check if it composted into back soil.. not yet... not yet..
Corie, If you have something you can stir that compost with it might help the process along!
Your photographs and words of hope have lightened my day.
Thank you Monica! I am glad to hear this post lightened your day.
Hi Pam! Thanks for sharing your work. I have been in a similar space myself - both writing and photography. My job has been burning me out big time. The state of this country and world has only added to it. But I keep finding joy while being active and holding space.
Hi Alicia, I am sorry to hear you're struggling as well. I think there is so much to be concerned about right now, we're all on overload. My sleep has been disrupted. I hope tonight to find some better dreams. Thank you, I am so glad this resonated with you.
Beautiful work
Thank you Lin!
I understand the quiet you speak of, Pamela. We may need some time to reflect when all around us gets more chaotic. The warm weather will be so nice.
Rod, I feel that going inward and pausing to reflect is always helpful, especially when there is extra stress in our lives.
If that’s what helps you cope with stress, wonderful! It makes sense to me, Pamela.
Thank you Rod!
Thank you for this beautiful piece Pamela. Your ability to "formulate your thoughts" despite the noise and distraction always blows me away, even though you say you struggle to do this.
You always have a way to bringing it back to the Essence of Life with deftness and simplicity. Coming back always to Nature and the Soul. Where our true home always resides despite what presents itself in the outside world.
Many thoughts, well wishes and sturdy walls coming your way from New Zealand. ❤️
Thank you Jo. The sturdy walls are so needed. New sturdy walls in a quieter environ. Honestly, I surprised myself that I was able to pull the words in this post out of what felt like a fog. Sending love your way... ❤️
This resonated so much with the introvert in me! Solitude and freedom to move are pure Bliss....
I have to have a parked car, packed lunch and movie day soon!!
It'll keep the 'stir-crazy' at bay for awhile longer!
Nina, I am so glad this resonated with you. I am ready for a long drive myself and some good music. I love that sense of solitude that comes with going for a drive with the windows open and good tunes playing. Enjoy your movie day!