I enjoy your photo essays and look forward to them. Thank you!

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Joseph, Thank you for letting me know that !

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Gorgeous pics - thank you!

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Thanks for the Goldfinch start to my day!

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I feel so proud of him for getting that big seed! Have you read The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt?

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Goldfinch is undoutedly watching you; all birds observe us two-legged creatures that have neither fur nor feathers. We are strange to the avians; we are often strange to each other. These photos and the short essay help make this strangeness less so.

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Beautiful colors...

Bold Lil Bird...

Borrowing your backyard,

For Brunch, I'd say...🐦

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Smiling all the way through! Goldfinch are so photogenic.

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Thank you Penny! Goldfinch are very photogenic. I was happy this one decided to sit a bit and let me take these photos.

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The photos are so beautiful! I wish our flowers had done well this year. Hopefully next year will be the year of the flower garden!

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No sunflowers planted. Ok. Wild bird seed can be a source of inspiration for finches. Nigeria seed to small for squirrels. There’s an alternative tasty treat. Add some raw sunflower 🌻 seeds. Maybe the birds will plant them for you.

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I do feed the birds. It’s been an off summer here. But they are not neglected.

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Wonderful beautiful photos

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Such beautiful photos, Pamela !

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Thank you Maureen! I am so glad you enjoyed!

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Really nice series of goldfinch images, Pamela. They are such a uniquely-coloured bird. I too find them skittish. Any time I can photograph one for more than a few seconds I consider myself fortunate!

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Thank you Neil. This series is my favorite and I think perhaps my best over the years since I have had these gardens.

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You're an amazing photographer, Pamela! Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much Nolcha! That means so much to me!

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The color of those sunflowers is exquisite. The Goldfinch seemed to really enjoy the seeds. It looks to be saying,”excuse me, do you mind, I’m eating.” The goldfinch against the flower is stunning. Great photographs.

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Thank you Monica. I love reading your take of what was happening in the photos. The velvet queen sunflowers really are just gorgeous. Out of all the different varieties I have planted, they were truly the showiest.

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I completely forgot to plant sunflowers this year and felt the lack of them immensely, not only because they’re glorious but because well, no goldfinches! I didn’t see even one…

Your photos are always glorious Pamela thank you for filling in a very missed blank in my garden! X

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Susie, Sunflowers are such great pollinators! I was hoping I might get some volunteer sunflowers this year but none popped up.

So happy you enjoyed the photos!

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A very proud goldfinch looking at us! Lovely photos!

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Thank you Pilgrim! That goldfinch was not going to be deterred from getting his seeds. I love their sweet little song.

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Nothing's gonna stop him!

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