Man, there wings are fantastic, aren’t they! Hope you are doing well!

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Hi Brian, Yes the wings are fantastic. They are so delicate and so strong.

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Beautiful patterns on the wings. Lovely captures Pamela!

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Thank you Shital! I'm so glad you enjoyed!

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Jun 15Liked by Pamela Leavey

For many years, I lived walking distance to forests. I collected treasures like you do. I found bits of dried moss and turned them into necklaces, broaches and earrings… stitching beads and crystals through their fibrous lace. I too collected weather-carved “branches” I painted and gifted to others as fabulous walking sticks. And I gathered wood and stone artifacts from the trees and soil that now remind me of the explorations and walks on which I found them. They are my most prized possessions: they always make me smile and remember the joys of living harmoniously w/ nature’s beauty and mystic charm(s)!

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Sarah, I love my nature collections throughout my home. Each has a story and connection to some where and sometimes someone! It is wonderful to hear you are of like mind!

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Yes! I collect natural found objects, too. A poet's inclination? Thank you, Pamela. So lovely.

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Mary Ellen, I think it could be a poet's or artist's inclination! Absolutely!

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Beautiful, thank you!

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Thank you Greta!

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I do collect such beautiful things that have gone Ex: Like a fallen leaf.

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Tinabeth, I suspected you did!

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You know me.

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Dragonflies fascinate me. They’re so scary looking, but harmless. At least I’ve always thought they’re harmless. I could be wrong about that. I could also look it up on google, but where’s the fun in that?

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Beautiful post. I enjoy collecting leaves, pine cones and feathers. Lately the feathers have mysteriously disappeared and then reappeared due to the devices of Jasper Kitten. Does King Rory have similar powers?

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Dragonfly has the face of an alien! As you can imagine, I see aliens all the time. I do, really. Hahahahaha Gorgeous photos as always Pamela!

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Wonderful photographs. I love how dragonflies flit around.

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A winged essay that flies into my heart.

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Thank you so much Mary! I am so glad this resonated with you!

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Jun 15Liked by Pamela Leavey

Nice series. And they can be frustrating to shoot. Just about to and they’re gone. Keep it up. Good work

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Jun 15Liked by Pamela Leavey

Love this. I'm a nature collector too! I've had dead beetles, dragon flies (mine broke too, they are SO fragile), bees, butterflies, wasp nests, fossils, seashells, antlers, bones...nature things are my favorite things. Great photos!

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Jun 15Liked by Pamela Leavey

I usually collect things that I can add into my art somehow but I also like to collect shells when at the beach, etc. I can't say that's often though! It's actually VERY RARE! I like shells shaped differently due to fungus or something growing on them. Very odd, I know but who can say that wouldn't make a piece of art REALLY interesting?! It's actually art simply by itself if you ask me. Again, odd I know... anyway wonderful post!

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Beautiful images and poems Pamela. I like that that second image and the first poem. I love watching dragonflies dart and zip around the areas where I regularly hike in summer. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you Neil! Dragonflies are fun to watch. Hard to photograph sometimes, they are so quick.

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Absolutely love Dragonfly, as well as the poems you publish here

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Thank you Rolando! I am so happy you enjoyed this!

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