Beautiful, Pamela. On this rainy morning, my soul wants to say to yours, that love is already there, within you. 🌧️🌈

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Thank you Julie, yes, love is already with me. Thank you for seeing me! 💞

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Beautiful, somber poem for a quiet, somber morning.

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Thank you Tim!

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Beautiful poem, peaceful picture!

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Thank you Joseph. I'm so glad you enjoyed!

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If you love yourself, you’ll always be able to find it.

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Thank you Stan. Yes, if you love yourself, you find love.

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Thanks for the music, too

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So glad you enjoyed it Joan! I was so surprised to find that Rodney Crowell, who I really like, wrote that song.

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It's a sad poem but beautiful.

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Thank you Allan.

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Lovely photos. A small wooden boat always makes me think of our own life's voyage as in the sailor's prayer:

"The sea is so vast, and my boat is so small."

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Baird, thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed. I love that line from the sailor's prayer.

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Pamela, the boat pictures are beautiful, and your poem is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this, plus the Blame it on the Moon song. I happen to love that song. Very fitting.

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Beth, I'm so glad you enjoyed. I love that song too. I know it needed to be in this post!

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As the whale rises for a breath of fresh air and to try to capture the moon beams that break on the surface; then return together as one ; when the tail sounds to the depths to find that essence missed.

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Thank you for these moving words that stir such imagery!

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I hear you. The energies were so intense (rt before the attempted shooting) that I went out to the woods for a breather. Had to move out of the throngs for a bit. It cleared as I sat with 'The General Grant Tree,' as Sequoia the other morning, (the vibe supports my vibe and allows me to remain where I Am with regard to it all). Was heavenly to just 'be' in silence with the trees, not to mention neccessary. However, as soon as I was around the crowds again, the energy was - a huge force to say the least. We can sure learn a lot from our trees friends, should we want to. Have a wonderful week! Enjoying being within as well, on this end. Sheesh almighty, what a trip!

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Crowd energy is always rough on me. Sound bothers me on a more acute level when there are planetary and lunar events.

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Happy to learn some more about you, Pamela. You seemed cool from the get-go.

My partner is an HSP, and along with my being an empath - it’s been a bit special to say the least. We’ve certainly had some ‘laugh until you pee your pants’ moments - that’s for darn sure!

I get to feel her bodily reaction (energetically speaking) to sound as well as the other stuff, and it’s taught me so much over time).

Re: crowds, depending on what’s up in the collective there are times when I am good, and other times when I most certainly will high tail it out to be with the trees. It’s a trip - esp when there are solar flares, isn’t it?

Fully get how it bothers you more acutely during lunar and planetary shifts. Some alignments are pretty special in terms of how they can affect us as a collective. The learning continues to be nothing short of amazing! Have a beautiful weekend. :)

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It’s nice to hear that it’s not just me. I have been feeling so crunchy the last couple days and I did not sleep well last night. The last three full moons were fine for me, but this one has been very intense.

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It's definitely the moon and the planets. I also had a weird sleep list night. This moon really kicked up a lot for me. So glad it has passed! Deep breaths Elizabeth!

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Hopefully with the peak Full Moon now gone, the feeling of angst subsides as well. I am eagerly waiting for Autumn to begin and show in the trees and wildlife. It seems like the transitions are the bumpy roads on the way to a smoother destination of a new season.

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Neil, I feel like the lunar energy is subsiding and the angst. I too am looking forward to the changing of colors. I am starting to see the leaves and marshes turning. My hope for the Fall is lots of sunny weather for all of us nature lovers!

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Be very specific of who & what are important in the love you want for yourself.

It really works! 🥰💜

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Thank you Cori! The power on intention works for many things.

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Lovely poem. Yes, let’s blame our mood on the moon. It is a strange week.

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Thank you Tinabeth! I has been a strange week!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Pamela Leavey

Lovely loveliness! Thank you so very much! The music was epic as well.

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Thank you Michele! I am so glad you enjoyed the lovely loveliness!

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Beautiful photography and poetry, Pamela. Wishing everyone a peaceful transition toward the Equinox.

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Thank you Heidi! Wishing the same for you!

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