Reflections: Let Go of the Day with the Setting Sun
With Three Stunning Sunsets and a Bonus Guided Meditation
We’re now into the second month of the year and I think most of us are feeling like we can all use a little extra something to get us through the days, and the nights with all that has been happening of late.
My life got more complicated over the last couple of days of January, and I feel as though I am needing a lot more work on getting myself centered and finding inner peace in the wake of all of the turmoil happening around us.
I am certain I am not the only one here who is feeling this sense of uncertainty in these unprecedented times.
That said, I hope you enjoy the Reflection below and it helps you unwind for the evening and find a little extra inner peace…
As the sun sets on the horizon it is always a good time to contemplate the day.
In the evening I like to try to affirm the good aspects of the day with gratitude and then release the bad aspects of the day with the setting sun.
Each day we go through situations that are good, bad or indifferent. It’s typically the “bad things” that happen that we tend to hold on to. Those are things we need to release.
I have found that releasing the negative with setting sun sets us up to start the next day with a clean slate. I know that this is not always easy, releasing the “bad things” might take a little extra work. That’s okay…
Breathe in and release… Repeat.
Releasing the negative with the setting sun also clears the evening of negative thoughts and energy and enables the spirit to relax and renew for the following day.
I prefer to release the negative with setting sun, so that I have clear mind and heart for a time before bed.
This is especially important to me as a worrier. I struggle with generalized anxiety disorder and situational depression.
Worries tend to wreck all sorts of emotional and physical toll on a person which sometimes manifest as other illnesses beyond anxiety and depression. Our bodies feel our emotional pain.
If you struggle with anxiety as I do, or you are a worrier or struggle with other mental health issues, no doubt you can relate to how important it is to try to have a clear heart and mind when you go to bed.
I have found that breath work or short guided meditations can be very helpful in clearing to the mind before bed. Of course like anything, this practice is a work in progress.
Most night when I am feeling like I need a little extra unwinding when I get into bed, I like to do this short guided meditation by Deepak Chopra:
I’ve been a fan of Deepak Chopra since the 90’s. I have a few of his books in my personal library.
A couple of book that I would recommend reading include: “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence,” and “How to Know God : The Soul's Journey Into the Mystery of Mysteries.” So many of his books are great, but those two are on the top of my Deepak Chopra reading list.
I hope you will all stay tuned for new posts… Today’s post is reminder to let go of all of your stress in the evening. If you know someone who might benefit from reading this reflection essay, please feel free to share.
As always, comments are open. Feel free to chime in and join the conversation with others in the community.
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Wishing you all a peaceful night, a deep and restful sleep, tonight and every night.
Remember to “be in the moment and go with the flow…”
Blessed Be… Pamela
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What a lovely practice. I will try it. Thank you.
Beautiful post, Pamela. I really like the practice of releasing the bad or negatives with the setting sun. It’s a natural daily cycle that doesn’t need any prompts or reminders.