"Elizabeth Spring Poetry" is my on-going journey with poetry, paintings, and musings about living a mindful life with constant detours into humor and poignant revelations.
Photography that displays the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, culinary arts, and the American Hot Rod car, with an assortment of media creation tools and techniques.
Co-Author, with Linda Naylor, at at Pacific Nortwest Experiences substack.
I'm a Mississippi novelist transplanted to Minnesota where I have been liberalized, de-fundamentalized, come out, and learned to put the "anti" before "racist.”
Being Venezuelan•NorthAmerican• a Speculative Fiction Writer•Reader•Foodie•Orchid Lover•CatPerson•Political Junkie• K Drama•K Beauty Addict•Fashion Junkie• ÜberTraveler•IceCreamFan•DarkChocolateLover•
My weekly posts are a burst of positivity designed for those ready to transform their lives through the power of positive thinking, empowering women and girls across the globe with The Lemonade Mindset!
Tailored for writers, digital enthusiasts, solopreneurs, and anyone navigating the digital landscape. Boost your tech confidence and productivity by simplifying your digital journey.
Spiral Leaf is a newsletter that celebrates the beauty of Nature and explores how we can connect more closely to the natural world for our optimum health, happiness and wellbeing. A weekly publication for you, for me and for Mother Nature.
My personal Substack. I paint in the woods, in a little cottage in Alabama. What began as my hobby, painting, turned into several little books for children. My little books are full of kindness, friendship, life lessons, nature and laughter.
A collective space for my diverse creative interests across many genre. My last life space possibly to dream in and have the courage to dream again with others.
Once a sailor, now a seeker. I explore the lasting impact of literature on our lives, drawing connections extending beyond the page. Join me in discovering where the written word can lead us as we venture beyond the bookshelf.
A space for all of us over 50. Are you passionate + curious about aging well...physically, mentally, and spiritually?
Together, we'll dive into the magical + the miserable and everything in between as we aim to live well on the other side of 50.
We’re ROBERTMILLER and ANDREWWAKEFORD photojournalists, storytellers, and National Geographic book authors. Now working together on VERY REMARKABLE photo-based stories worldwide. www.roberthmiller.com. www.wakefordphotos.com
Writing and magic are, first and foremost, a way to communicate with ourselves. A way to look at what we are. A way to give shape to thoughts and feelings.
We just forgot about it.
A futile attempt in staying funky and not rotting in life. A lifestyle blog brought to you by my 20's. Former known as let's not rot - Keeping honeyed moments that only age better with time here.
Hello! I’m Jon Norris, a professional landscape photographer and guide for Joshua Tree National Park. I share essential landscape photography tips, plus my images, thoughts, and musings. I look forward to helping you improve your photography!
Inspiring adventures to push us outside our comfort zones. Along the way, Jenn explores deeper subjects that impact her adventures - the environment, personal relationships, challenges with aging. Come along for the ride!
A glimpse of distant horizons via "beautifully crafted essays and observations" covering literature, memoir, and faraway cities from a recovering cultural bureaucrat joining up the dots of an international life.
A weekly musing written from the inspiring natural landscape of New Zealand. A 50+ mother of two contemplates life in all of it's beauty, pain, absurdity and humour. Finding meaning, and joy in the every day, and ever changing stages of our existence.
I believe that words can be bridges bringing us to one another. If you're like me and like to dig deeper into ourselves, go beyond the surface of things, and think about our place in all of this, then you'll find a home here.
Writer Pilgrim is a writer, journalist, poet & teacher who runs a podcast, TINAWW writers workshops both in person or online, offers monthly personalised poems and the weekly social hangout SPAWN.
Welcome to Roots & Branches for vignettes and essays on my adopted life in universal themes of identity, heritage, and loss. Visit Memoir-ish Musings for vignettes, Japanese poetry forms, gardening, wabi-sabi, and reflections.
Where Art Meets Psychology. We are not all "tortured geniuses" and art isn't always therapy but there is so much richness and connection and magic in the in between. Let's play, communicate, and learn there.
Poetry exploring a range of themes including consciousness, mental health, the inner world, natural beauty, parenting, poetry, moss, fire, and brimstone.