Congrats on smoking cessation!! 👏 One of the toughest addictions to break. Keep it going. And thanks for glimpse of Salisbury!

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Thank you B2! It is a tough one. I quit a few years ago and then life got hard. Salisbury is an interesting little town. I love that there is a lot of great beach here too. And it's just over the Merrimack to Newburyport. It might as well be the same town!

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Congrats on nine months! With the heat of summer, it has been hard to motivate myself to walk so my goal for the fall is to get back into that habit as well!

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Thank you so much Jesse! Today was hot on the trail, in the high 80's and humid. My girlfriend and I both regretted not bringing a bottle of water. I pushed through some hot days with short 1/2 miles walks. Once I did that a few times it got a little easier.

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Congrats. I'm sober six months. Still a cig fiend but that'll be the next one.

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Hey Christopher, that is huge! I am so happy for you! Keep it going!

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Awesome images and walking therapy Pamela. That's great to hear as well about quitting cigarettes. It sounds like your walks in Nature have really helped your recovery. Bring on Fall 2024!

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Thanks Neil! I am really starting to feel like myself again. It's been a slow road with health issues that started in 2021 - 2022. Nature totally helped my recovery! I am ready for walking the cooler Fall temperatures!

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Pamela Leavey: New England is so beautiful and you share beauty in photographs that allow one to hear the woodland breeze and smell the grass and leaves.

Your narrative is beautiful and I am really glad for your walking.

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Thank you so much Armand! It was a bit hot and muggy on the trail today! We could have used a cool breeze!

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Congratulations, Pamela! And I loved the photos. They are so relaxing.

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Thanks so much Jeffrey! It’s been a journey to get back here!

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I’ll walk! Just because you’ve reignited me.

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Go Jennifer!

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You are doing amazingly well. Keep going. When Covid started I needed a knee surgery. I was very hesitant because I took Celebrex for several years and we finally know for sure that it was that medication that messed up my stomach. I would suddenly, no forewarning, get horrid pain in my stomach. Nothing I could do would stop it. I spent a year going to the ER pretty often. I would be in so much pain. I had every kind of test but they couldn’t find anything. Finally they took out my gall bladder hoping it was that, but it wasn’t. In order to get that surgery they had me get off the Celebrex. I was improving during that time and I felt pretty sure that was the problem. After my gall bladder surgery my family doctor told me to start the Celebrex again and within 3 days I was sure that was the problem but there was no science that recognized it. I did stop the Celebrex immediately. This year I was at my gastro dr and he told me they have now confirmed that Celebrex was the culprit. Unfortunately, the damage is done and I still have problems but can usually get it under control except when I take pain medication. It’s hard to have a major surgery without any pain meds. So I’ve got a bad knee now and my walking is at an end. I was working to do a walking 5k before I fell and damaged my knee. I’m now 76 and most doctors think I should not have the surgery. I do rehab exercises for my knee but I have no cartridge. I need to just find a sting program and do that. You are inspiring me to find someway to get in better shape. I’m stating this here so I have people that I can report to and encourage me. I look forward to having someone watching me. Congrats on all you have accomplished.

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Sheri, I want to encourage you to get out there and walk a little bit. I wonder, if a knee brace would help you? I know my landlord has a bad knee and needed surgery and did not get it. He is pretty active and 78.

We're all different in what we can handle but I have to say COVID set me back a lot. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and have a lot of pain. I felt very defeated for a long time. Then I needed surgery and a few months before, a year ago August a friend got me out walking.

Please let me know if you find a way to get out an walk a slow walk for 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

I have the same kind of gut issues from Ibuprofen. I know when to stop it now. I take on occasion.

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Sep 1Liked by Pamela Leavey

Keep at it Pamela! So glad to hear you are walking as much as you are.

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Thanks so much James!

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I didn’t know you smoked. Thank God you stopped

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I did Allan. For too long. Happy I am done for good!

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Sep 1Liked by Pamela Leavey

The photos are beautiful and you’re an inspiration, Pamela. Keep up the good work!

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Beautiful! Is that near Salisbury beach? That's all I know about Salisbury. That and it's wicked far north in MA. 🤣

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Hi Janine, Yes it the same Salisbury as Salisbury Beach. There's the town and the beach. I live 2 miles from the beach. It's a great beach. It is wicked far north in Mass, on the NH border!

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How fabulous to live so close to the ocean! I live near a pond, but it's not quite the same. I try to get to the ocean at least once a year. So grounding.

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Janine, If you ever get the urge to take a drive this way we can make plans to meet and walk the beach!

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I may just take you up on that!

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I would love that!

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Your pictures are soothing to my eyes! I'm so happy autumn is coming, I really love it. I plan to walk or ride to more places with very beautiful fall scenery in the fall. Looking forward to your fall walk pictures!

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Sep 2Liked by Pamela Leavey

Beautiful shots, and congrats on 9 months no smoking. That’s no easy feat!

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Thank you Brian! Getting back to serious walking helps everything!

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First I really love the rail trail photographs. They bring back reminders of fall and cooler,crisper air that is perfect for walking. I was an avid walker but I too have a knee with no cartilage. I am walking 3000 steps a a day. This is my limit for pain free walking. I’ve finally learned to listen to my body. Six months ago I was only doing under 1000 steps. Walking is so beneficial for my mind and body. Continued success on your walking routine.

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Thank you so much Monica. I am sorry to hear that you are also struggling with a bad knee. I'm glad to hear you have been able to increase your daily steps from under 1000 to 3000. I know one day one of my ailments, back, hip, etc will keep me from walking again. For now I just want to make the most of it.

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I understand completely. The serenity I find is priceless

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